Wednesday, August 20, 2008

1 Year Dr. Appointment

Today Annie went to her 1 year Doctor's appointment. They measured her and she was 29inch's long and 21lbs exactly. Now she is only almost 11 months old, but she has a new Doctor so we made the appointment earlier. She said everything looked great, and that she was moving and growing along nicely! She also started to ask me about what Annie can do, and it went something like this:

Dr- "So, I see that she can crawl, is she able to pull herself up yet?"

Me- "Yea, she can pull herself up"

Dr.- "Okay, she will probably be trying to cruise soon, and then a month or so later might be starting to walk on her own."

Me- "Um, she walks already...."

Dr.- "She does?"

Me- "Uh, yea, she has walked since she was 10 months"

Dr.- "Really? Wow, she is so little, well I guess I don't need to give you the whole "Baby Proofing" speech."

Me- "No, I'm good! Haha"

Anyways, after that she asked me about our family medical history. I told her both Justin and I have heart murmurs, so she checked Annie and said that she might have a slight one, but nothing major. She also checked her for a Cleft Pallet, which I have, and thankfully she does not. No shots were given, she starts them again at 2.

Overall, it was a great visit! Annie played with the staff and showed them her walking skills. They were all very impressed! I mean, if you look at her, she does look to tiny to be able to walk. But she is! Anyways, that's about it! Time to research front facing car seats!
Oh, and the picture at the top is her "I'm not sure about this place" look! Haha
I also got a cute video, of course, of little Annie waiting for the doctor. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

I wuvs her so much!

Erica and Jeremy said...

AWWW, it starts..... today is tearing up paper at the doctors.... tomorrow is throwing eggs at cars in the middle of the night!!! Way to go ANNIE!