Saturday, July 5, 2008

Fourth of July!!!

This year for Annie's first Fourth of July, we went over to Jeremy and Erica's house for some good ol' fashion fun! We ate food, played Catch Phrase, The Hershey Bar Game, Water Balloon Volleyball, Frisbee, Wii, and I got attacked with water balloons! We had a really great time! Oh, yea, we also did fireworks! Annie loved watching the different colors and Justin, Kevin, and Jeremy set them all off and I helped with a few at the end! Well.....I wasn't very good at it due to the fact that the flame on the lighter kept burning me! Hahaha! I made some really good rice krispie treats! Yummmmmmmmy! Well, I have a lot of pictures so I better get to me...this will be a looooooong post!
Doesn't she look like she is having so much fun!?
Also, I heard about a website that can make your blog into a book??!! Does anyone know anything about that?

Oh....and on another gross note.......Annie is able to take her diaper off! Now I am warning all readers .......what I am going to say may sound nasty....but trust me...the pictures that will follow are much much much worse. So if you are squeamish or don't believe that people should take pictures of poo....please stop reading now. Anyways......for all you excited people who want to hear and see the it goes! Today we were at my parent's house hanging out while our house was being sprayed for red ants! EWWWWWWW! Annie was in my mother's room sleeping while we were all looking at the pictures from Fourth of July. She had been sleeping for a couple of hours when I thought....hmm...I haven't heard her....lets check the monitor.....Justin did.....then went in to get her because she was awake....and then when I went in after him he walked back towards me and told me I had a situation to deal with.......A long story short......My mother did not put her diaper on well enough and she was able to take it off.....after that she peed all over the pad she was laying on and then proceded to poo....then pick up the poo and play in it....put it all over the sides...all over Bella....all over the blanket. It was on her hands, feet, and face! NASTY! So and Justin puts some gloves on and I gave her a bath while he cleaned the bassinet and poor little Bella! Here are some nasty pictures that you can bet will be in the baby book!
She thought it was funny.....
I am not about to put my naked daughter on I made her some fashionable painted bloomers!

All Clean


Melody said...

Oh my freaking heck!!! That is so disgusting but also hilarious. Did you smell her breath? I wonder if she ate it... tell that to her boyfriends when she's older! Best way to keep her out of trouble! lol

Erica and Jeremy said...

haha, thats so funny! but i'm not sure if wade is going to like smooch'n with a lil' poo head. jk ps- whoever took some of those pictures of the 4th is AWSOME!!!

Stephanie said...

hahaha! hilarious! and sad :)