Saturday, February 23, 2008

What a Ham!

Okay, I have recently discovered that little Annie is a total ham! Every time she sees a camera she switches into model mode! I think it is greatly due to the fact that there has been probably over a thousand photos taken of her since she was born. But I just noticed how much she loves the camera when I was video taping her banging her feet onto the ground! It was really cute, plus they made a really cool sound! She loves to kick her feet! And a lot might I add! She did this for like an hour today! I think she really just wants to stand up and start walking around! But anyways....every time I would face the camera somewhere else she would just sit and look at me, but once it was back on her she would start laughing! Enjoy!

Oh! And for everyone who was wondering...Justin did get the job! They called him that night! Woohoo!!!


Anonymous said...

so cute! a little soft shoe!

Erica and Jeremy said...

haha,like mother like daugher

Kurston and Kevin said...

That is so funny how fast she gets her feet going!!

SY said...