Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter 2009

So let me give you a run down of how our holidays go every year. Get up early, rush through our own family stuff, get everything together, head over to Justin's family, hang out for a few hours, get everything together, head over to my family's house, hang out, play games, get home around 11, get Annie ready for bed, get ourselves ready for bed, go to bed...around 1. The end! Haha, very true, but also very fun! I love holidays!

So for Easter this year we got up early and went to church with Justin's side of the family. Then after church we went over to his grandma's house for hot dogs and egg hunting with little Annie. She loved walking around and collecting the eggs. Every time she would find one she would say "oooooooo egg!" Here she is with her little collection of plastic eggs that were filled with Gerber Puffs thanks to her Ya Ya!
Here she is with one of her four babies. She adores little babies, real ones and dolls. She is so delicate with them and she will rest them on her chest and pat there backs and she "shhhh" when she is trying to put them to sleep. She feeds them food and gives them there bottle. But her favorite thing to do is push them around in her stroller. My friend Katy keeps saying that she must be ready for a little sister or brother, and I keep! Haha
Then after The Carlson Easter fun, we went over to my parent's house to have a little more fun! All my cousins....all of us in our twenties......have a Easter hunt every year. We love it! Especially me! I win every year! But besides all that.......there were 67 eggs hidden and 10 of us cousins to find them! Woohoo! After that we ate and played games!

In this picture I am trying to make my arm look skinnier! Haha!!The egg hunt begins!
My brother races over to find some more eggs!
Justin, Stephanie and I were given a hint to were we could find more eggs!
As you can see I am not looking for any in the Ivy like the others are...because I already found them all seconds earlier! Suckers!!Annie's new stroller and high heals!
Here is a video of Annie and her new high heals!

I like to do "now and then" photos whenever I can! The first and third pictures are from Easter 2008, and the second and fourth pictures are from this year! My how things have changed!


Erica and Jeremy said...

Did you go comando and didnt want to flash everyone or did you just pick you thong merf??? Your hand is stratigicly placed on you ASS!!!

(On the picture where everyone is looking through the ivy for Eggs!)