Oh and for those of you who have asked...here is a little update on what Annie is doing and saying!
1. She waves hi and bye and says both of them
2. She blows kisses, gives kisses to toys and herself, and now she has started giving them to me!
3. She gives hugs to everyone, and she knows what the phrase "Give Huggies" means
4. She points to the candles when I say "Fire"
5. She knows where her nose is...but as for her mouth, eyes, and ears...she has no clue!
6. Stephanie taught her how to take her finger to her mouth and do that "bubble" sound with her lips
7. She knows what bottle means
8. You can ask her "are you hungry, are you tired, do you want more, is it good, wanna go to grandmas" and she with bounce her body up and down, kind of like a chicken eating......and that means "yes" I guess she doesn't realize that all I am doing is nodding my head when I say yes....
9. She says Kitty, Gi Gi (Great Grandma), Dog, "susi" means Lucy,"da do" means Thank You, "eese" means Please
10. when you say shoe, she will point to her feet
11. She says juice and will point to any drink when she is thirsty
12. When we say "Annie wanna use the potty?" she will go find her potty and bring it into the front room and sit on it!
13. If you make a noise from any toy, she will copy you and then bring that toy to you! -that is still crazy to us!
14. If she has poopie in her diaper and you ask her, she will open her mouth really wide as if having a shocked expression-this comes in use if you haven't smelled it already!
15. she says "Up" when she wants to be picked up
16. Still only 4 teeth but we think she is getting a back molar, she spits out most of her food and wont eat!
17. of course she says mama and dada
18. She can climb onto the couch and get off without falling
19. She chases our cat around and tries to hug him
20. when she wants you to stop talking she puts her hand over your mouth...
21. she does the scary "raaaarrrr" sound when you try to scare her! It is really funny!
22. And as you saw in the last post, she likes to clean! She will take a wet wipe and clean windows,the couch, the animals, the floor, toys, pretty much any thing!
Well there is more, but I have to get to bed! Work awaits tomorrow! Enjoy the pictures!
That is the pumpkin patch we always go to! It looks like yall had fun!! Very cute pics in the black and white
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