Monday, August 4, 2008

Annie Gets Her Ears Pierced!

Today we took Annie to get her little ears pierced! We talked a lot about it and both of us decided it was better to get them when she is too young to remember it! Haha. I got my ears pierced when I was 18months old and I don't remember the pain at all! Thanks Mom! Anyways, we went to the mall and picked out some small little diamond earrings. I sat down with Annie in my lap and then quickly felt queasy and made my mother sit with her. So I stood back and took the pictures! The piercing man made the little dots on her tiny little earlobes and I checked to make sure they were even! Then, after Annie smiled away at him, unsuspecting of what was about to happen, he pointed the gun....and......pierced! It took her a couple seconds to realize what had just happened.....and then she let out a little cry. I gave her a Gerber Crunchy and she focused her attention on eating it. Then.....pierce! He did the second ear and she cried immediately after it. But then came my trusty Crunchy and she was fine! They are so cute! She is also sleeping just fine, so I guess they aren't that painful after all! Enjoy the pics!

Oh, and yes I am aware that I look like crap! I was having a bad "EVERYTHING" day! haha!

Trust me, that sad face only lasted a few seconds!!!

Nice sweaty pits!

Poopie diapers.......


Erica and Jeremy said...

AWWW, how cute she looks! I dont remember my first peircing either. She looks like she was a trooper!!!!