I know I have told everyone about Annie's best friend Bella. She is her little bunny that we gave her on Easter. Little did we know she would grow so attached to it. She can not sleep without it, which makes it really hard to wash Bella and dry her in time for another nap. When it is Bella's bath day....it's a LOOOOOOOOONG day. We have tried putting Annie to sleep with out her so that she may be cleaned, but Annie just sits in her crib and cries and cries until she is reunited with Bella. So I thought I would show you a video I took today of Annie and Bella. Now we always pack Bella whenever we go ANYWHERE. So what usually happens....is Annie will see Bella in the diaper bag and go crawling towards her in what seems like a rescue attempt from being put into the Diaper bag! She usually sees her and starts squealing and crawling really fast. And since she can't hold her and crawl at the same time she puts one of Bella's ears into her mouth and of she goes! I knew she was gonna do it today so I got my camera out and watched Annie lock Eyes onto Bella from across the room and start her rescue mission! Enjoy!
Healthy Happy 33!
7 years ago
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