Monday, February 18, 2008

Playing Catch-Up!

Hellloooooo!!! I know I haven't been on in a while. We have been a little busy over here. Annie has been teething BAD! She has been very needy. I feel so bad for her. I think she only feels the pain during the day, because she sleeps through the night still and well into the morning. So she has been on tylenol all day. It seems to be helping. Anyways. Her Grandma Kelly is watching her tonight while me and Justin go out the dinner with some friends of ours. So, we got little Annie dressed up for the trip to Grandma's house! It was only right to dress her in camo! Yes, this may make her look even more like Justin, but she is still cute in it!

And yes, I cut my hair off! My friend Katy,,,,(my friend, not best friend) cut hers off the other day. I loved it, but I figured mine would not look good because I have thin straight hair. But her lady cut it and I LOVE IT! It is soooo much easier for me to do in the morning!!!

Annie has recently found her thumb. It is really cute, she will suck on it for A: Pain relief from teething, and it is more like chewing rather than sucking... and B: it helps her fall asleep!
Here are some pictures of little Annie in her big girl high chair! She loves it! I feed her rice cereal usually once a day. But sometimes I miss the chance. But she loves the cereal and gets all excited when she sees the spoon!
We have to feed her naked cuz she is a little messy!

She has also been talking.....A LOT!!! She talks herself to sleep, she talks to herself in her car seat in the car, she talks to her toys, but most of all, she is talking to us! It is really cute. We will copy whatever she says and she will say it again and again. And...sad to note....I think she is going to be saying Dada first! It sucks! But she has been saying Da Da Da Da a lot. But I have not given up yet! I still practice the Mama thing! I will have video of it shortly!

P.S. I think the only reason she is saying Da Da Da Da is because Justin makes her say it all the right now...I can hear him in the front room saying "Dadadadadadadada" Loser!!!


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Such adorable camo attire...wonder where little Miss Annie acquired such cute (and appropriate) clothing to go visit her Carlson grandma & grandpa? That's right, Grandma & Grandpa Ridgeway found the hat and clothes and knew that since Annie was Justin's daughter, she must have some camos of her own. Uh huh.....

Erica and Jeremy said...

awww, i love the hat

SY said...

Looove the short hair, way to stay with the recent looks ;)

Melody said...

Your hair looks so good!