Monday, January 28, 2008

Annie's Play Date with Lucy!

Today was Annie's first play date. Her friend Lucy Nichols came over with her mom, who happens to NOT be my best friend, Katy. Lucy mainly played with all of Annie's toys while Annie either watched her or was picked up by auntie Katy. Katy has probably only seen Annie four or five times since she was born. And I have pretty much missed the last four months of little Lucy's life (because Katy never comes over, or she gives me a lame excuse to why she can't go do something!). Lucy is so big now and walking! It is crazy to see how much bigger Lucy is than Annie. But once Annie is 1 year, I doubt it will be that big of a difference. Also, while we were waiting for my husband to come over, Katy did the "new curl" on my hair! It was fabulous! Anyways, I wont talk about her anymore because she never gets on and reads any of my blogs anyways! Here are the pictures of the day. There is also a video! Nothing great on it, but I thought it was funny!


Tyler and Katy said...

The NEW CURL! Ok since I came over to your house you have to come to mine next time and if you don't your the bad friend!

Anonymous said...

Lucy in that first pix looks JUST LIKE NANCY!!!